Thursday, December 19, 2013

Concentration 3

My focus this time was to use line in landscape photography.

1 comment:

  1. Eli,
    A little more explanation would be nice…What types of lines were you looking for? What look/feel were you going for in the landscape shots? Overall some very nice work. The lines are the focal point and the images themselves are very strong. The first image is the least interesting to me since the path ends rather abruptly…if the trail led off in the distance more I think it would be stronger. Also the path gets kind of list in the trees and grass towards the end. Composition is good and the sky looks great. I love the 2nd photo. Where is that? Very cool waterfall and the dark tones give it a slightly different feel than a normal waterfall photo. Nice detail and sharpness on the sides of the rocks as well. Cool shot. The third one is good as well. A very cool mirror image. My only problem is that the ‘mirror’ line feels like it could be either lower or higher to stand out more. Lower to fit rule of thirds better or higher to go totally symmetrical and cut the image in half. Minor issue though. Very nice work.
